Yes Yes Vegetables Song – Da Da Cantecul legumelor

Yes Yes Vegetables Song – Da Da Cantecul legumelor

Asculta un cantecel cunoscut pentru copii in limba engleza.

Versuri Yes Yes Vegetables Song

Peas, peas, it’s time to eat your peas!
Yes, yes, yes, I want to eat my peas!
Good, good! The peas are good for you!
Yay, yay, yay, I love them, oooh!
See, see, Teddy likes them too!
One, two, three! He ate them up, you see!
Ha! Ha! Ha! The peas are all gone now!
Yum, yum, yum, we like them, wow!

Carrots, carrots, it’s time to eat your carrots!
Yes, yes, yes, I want to eat the carrots!
Good, good! The carrots are good for you!
Yay, yay, yay, I love them, oooh!
See, see, Elephant likes them too!
One, two, three! He ate them up, you see!
Ha! Ha! Ha! The carrots are all gone now!
Yum, yum, yum, we like them, wow!

Squash, squash, it’s time to eat your squash!
Yes, yes, yes, I want to eat the squash!
Good, good! The squash is good for you!
Yay, yay, yay, I love it, ooh!
See, see, Monkey likes it too!
One, two, three! He ate it up, you see!
Ha! Ha! Ha! The squash is all gone now!
Yum, yum, yum, we like it, wow!

Beans, beans, it’s time to eat your beans!
Yes, yes, yes, I want to eat the beans!
Good, good! The beans are good for you!
Yay, yay, yay, I love them, ooh!
See, see, Mousie likes them too!
One, two, three! He ate them up, you see!
Ha! Ha! Ha! The beans are all gone now!
Yum, yum, yum, we like them, wow!

Broccoli, broccoli, it’s time to eat your broccoli!
Yes, yes, yes, I want to eat the broccoli!
Good, good! The broccoli’s good for you!
Yay, yay, yay, I love it, ooh!
See, see, Teddy likes it too!
One, two, three! He ate it up, you see!
Ha! Ha! Ha! The broccoli’s all gone now!
Yum, yum, yum, we like it, wow!

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